Friday, 1 May 2009
The Sound of Silence
You can read the latest entry here >>>
Friday, 17 April 2009
Could the tax be set to rise?
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Moving home
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Just because it's not against the rules...

As you can see from the picture (click on it to read it in full) I have had a - very prompt - reply from the SPL.
In the letter, Lex Gold stated that the 5% charge "is in compliance with the SPL rules". I will shortly be penning another letter to Mr Gold as he obviously doesn't realise that even although no rules have been broken, this charge is grossly unfair and perhaps the rules should be changed to close the loophole that allowed the plans for this charge to be brought about in the first place.
As you will also see from the letter, Mr Gold sent copies to the same four people whom I had also contacted regarding the charge. I have yet to hear back from any of those individuals but will keep you all updated if and when they do.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Okay THIS is the last (five) throws...

I have decided to take Stuart Thomlinson's advice and write to the "relevant football authorities". Due to my honest belief that writing to the SFA and the SPL will bear no fruit whatsoever, I have decided to go one or two steps further than that.
I have written to both of those governing bodies, but I have also sent a copy of the letter to three larger football authorities.
The letter and a copy of the petition (now containing 2,470 names) has been sent to the following people (from smallest to largest):
- Mr Lex Gold - SPL
- Mr Gordon Smith - SFA
- Dr Manuel Macedo de Madeiros - European Professional Football Leagues
- Mr Michel Platini - UEFA
- Mr Joseph S. Blatter - FIFA
Now, I know that some of you will scoff at this list and will quite rightly question if ANY of these men will ever actually see the letter in person. But, they just might see it. Even if they don't, somebody within those organisations already have seen it and will have seen a list of recipients printed right at the top of it.
This week, we have heard that the SPL is putting more stringent controls in place regarding clubs finances yet they still seem to ignore the fact that their two biggest clubs are deliberately weakening the finances of the other 10 clubs in the league.
Whether clubs like Hearts, Hibs and Falkirk are distributing the tickets themselves or clubs like Motherwell and Caley Thistle are bowing to the full 5% charge. They are ALL losing money this season that they have not had to pay in previous years.
I will await the replies to all five of these letters and I will keep you all posted. If I get any glimmer of hope at all from those replies, I will keep going with this little fight. I will continue to be a fly in everybody's ointment. But if, as I suspect, I yet again get no joy from the people that CAN do something about it, then I'm really sorry, but I will have to admit that it's the...