It was good of them to reply but as you can see from the scan of the letter, it was very short and of absolutely no help whatsoever.
If this situation - the two largest clubs in Scotland bullying the rest out of money "is not something in which government can directly intervene" - what is?
I will be replying directly to Mr Thomlinson shortly, I will also heed his advice and contact both the SPL and the SFA. We all know that it will pretty much achieve the square route of zero but I'm going to do it just the same.
In case you are wondering about the lack of updates. That, I'm afraid, is simply down to the lack of anything happening. It took the government almost a month to reply and I have STILL had no reply of any sort from club owners or chairmen other than Campbell Ogilvie at Hearts.
I know that this plea might fall on deaf eyes and ears. But, if you are a supporter of one of the clubs that have agreed to pay ANY of this charge, then contact your clubs. Make an absolute pest of yourselves, get your main supporters clubs, trusts etc involved and let YOUR clubs know that you demand, yes DEMAND that they do not pay this "tax" to be able to play against Rangers and Celtic.