I once again asked the question "Just why do they need this 5% surcharge when they already turn a very, very healthy profit?" The answer of course is that they don't need to claim this 5% from the 10 non Old Firm fans at all. They just simply want to! It's a nice easy way to further weaken the other teams in their league after all isn't it? For all of their annual posturing over the fact that they don't have enough real tests or competition in the SPL is no more than empty words.
Today, Inverness Caledonian Thistle have published their annual accounts. And guess what? Yip, you guessed it. They made a loss! A loss of £432,000 So, of course it makes perfect finanical sense to start paying a charge to another club that you never had to before doesn't it? It makes perfect sense to WEAKEN yourself and directly STRENGTHEN your opponents at the same time doesn't it?
Do boxers let their opponent fight them with weighted gloves? NO!
Do Ice Hockey teams send only half of their players out with sticks? NO!
Do NFL teams say "We won't wear pads today fellas"? NO!
Would these 10 non Old Firm clubs send their players out to play against the Old Firm wearing loafers instead of football boots? NO!
That would be just plain silly now wouldn't it? So, why should they be asked to hamstring themselves in a financial sense? And more to the point. Why the hell are they sitting back and allowing it to happen?
The petition has made it to 2,420 signatures but (probably due to me not updating the forums for a few days) the number of names being added has slowed quite dramatically.
I would really like to have 2,500 names by the end of the week. Whether that happens or not, I will be printing off the petition and sending it to the 10 clubs. So, come on folks. Let's get as many names on this thing as we can!!