Hi Folks
Just a little update on the petition for you.
First of all. To those of you who have already signed it. THANK YOU! If we shout loud enough, this CAN be stopped!
As some of you might know already, the petition has been signed by Tam Cowan and received a mention in his column in Saturdays Daily record. How much this promoted it I'm not sure yet as unfortunately the address of the petition was not mentioned. But it was a nice gesture by Tam all the same.
Yesterday I wrote an open letter to the chairmen/owners of the 10 non Old Firm clubs telling them that the petition existed, urging them to have a look at it, and, informing them that I will deliver hard copies of the petition to them soon.
I also sent this open letter to a few journalists.
It was sent to:
Stuart Bathgate at the Scotsman - who has kindly written a short peice about it in this mornings paper (you can read it here> http://sport.scotsman.com/football/Petition-takes-on-Old-Firm.4356484.jp)
Tam Cowan at The Daily Record - If he can get more about it printed that would be great.
Bill Leckie at The Sun
Mark Donaldson at Talk107
I have received replies from Falkirk (who say the letter is being passed between directors etc) and Aberdeen (who have stated that despite reports- they have NOT agreed to pay the 5% charge as yet)
The petition also been signed by a few Old Firm fans.
One Rangers fans has posted this comment "Signed by a Rangers fan. Our club already charge us a handling fee for away tickets so this aint for the benefit of the fans."
Tells you all you need to know about this charge as far as I am concerned! This is not about the big two "meeting costs". This is about the big two FLEECING THE REST!
Remember folks, the address of the petition is> http://www.gopetition.co.uk/petitions/stop-the-old-firm-bully-tactics.html
Email it to people, post it on other forums, send it to journalists of YOUR choice. Lets just be heard on this matter and try to force the Old Firm to back down for once!