Friday, 8 August 2008

One week on!

Hi folks

Today marks exactly one week that the petition has been running and we are currently sitting on a tally of 1989 signatures.

I would like to extend my thanks to each and every one of you who have already signed.

At some point either today or over the weekend, I am fairly certain that we will pass 2000 names. Not bad at all when you consider that it hasn't had a HUGE amount of publicity.

But there is still a long way to go folks! YES Aberdeen may have come up with a one club solution and YES Falkirk, Hearts etc. may be seeking to sell tickets to the Old Firm directly. But, I really do believe that these plans may still all ultimately fail for one reason or another.

The biggest reason that I can see these plans failing is the fact that, so far, all 10 clubs - whilst talking to each other - are pretty much standing alone. I believe that all 10 clubs NEED to show a united front. If they do that, then this 5% charge will either be dropped or will be taken to some rules committee or other to be voted on. Then, even if one or two of the clubs bow down to the Old Firm as usual, there should still be a large enough majority to defeat Rangers and Celtics plans.

So PLEASE. Spread the word! Send the address of the blog or the petition to as many people as you can and let YOUR clubs know how you feel.

I will shortly be sending emails to the 10 clubs again this week which will contain a PDF version of the petition. I will also be POSTING copies of the petition to them too.

Also, if you know anybody who might be able to help us promote the petition somewhere in the media that hasn't already picked it up, either tell them about it or let me know how to get in touch with them and I'll do it. Just send an email to
